Before turning my attention to oil painting, I worked as a 3D artist in the entertainment industry, working on video games and movies. This is a selection of my work during those 12 years
Personal 3D Project: Mariners Building, Seattle
1953 Corvette
Video Game: Counterstrike GO, weapons
The default terrorist knife in the latest incarnation of the CounterStrike series. The idea here was to create a non-military looking knife to contrast the counter-terrorist weapons. Researched, designed, modeled and textured myself. Diffuse, specular, specular exponent textures created.
Above is a counter terrorist optional knife for CounterStrike:GO. Modeled off a real life custom knife created for the game. Modeled and textured myself. Diffuse, specular and specular exponent textures generated.
A classic Heckler and Koch MP5 for the counter terrorist side in CounterStrike:GO. Modeled, textured myself. Diffuse, specular, specular exponent and specular albedo tint textures created.
Video Game Engine Development Project
Part of my work at Valve was working on internal R&D projects. The mansion shown above was part of a project to push rendering limits. We decided to up-res a part of an existing map from Left4Dead 2. As a team we collaboratively chose this mansion façade, because of its rich in architectural detail. In these images I was responsible for creating the windows and doors shown above, the ornate railings, the large center dormer (roof window).
Video Game: Left 4 Dead 2, Mardi Gras Parade Float and Carnival Props
I modeled and textured this Mardi Gras parade float for a finale point in the Left4Dead 2 map "the quarter". I was responsible for the research, design, modeling and texturing. Diffuse, specular and specular exponent texture created. I created a high resolution model and baked detail down into the game model texture.
The above three images are some of the models I created for the carnival map in Left4Dead2. I was responsible for the research, design, modeling and texturing of many of the carnival rides in Left4Dead2. We decided on making the carnival area look old and rundown. I made high resolution models, and baked their details down into the game model textures.
Video Game: Left 4 Dead 1, Train Engine
This train engine was one of many trains I created for Left4Dead 1. Researched, designed, modeled and textured by myself. I first created a high resolution model of the train (shown in white above) and baked this down into the lower resolution game model texture.
Video Game: Half Life 2, Combine Citadel and APC
Above is the iconic combine citadel from Half Life 2. I was responsible for some of its design, the modeling and texturing.
Above is the combine APC model from Half Life 2, that can be seen throughout the streets of City 17. I was responsible for some of the design details, and the modeling.
Personal 3D Project: Cathedral Ceiling
Personal 3D Project: Apache Helicopter
Film Documentary Project: Titanic - Ghosts of the Abyss
Above is a ship's wheel model I created for the James Cameron documentary "Titanic, Ghost of the Abyss". Long range coarse LIDAR scan data and photographs as reference.
Above is a lifeboat model I created for the James Cameron documentary "Titanic, Ghost of the Abyss". Long range coarse LIDAR scan data and photographs as reference.
Film Project: XMen 2
Above is a model I made of the generator room for the movie XMEN 2. Model based off coarse LIDAR laser scan data and photographs.